These are the 10 business books published in 2010, that I would recommend you to read. Originally, I wrote this on Quora, in response to " What are must read business books of 2010? ". Yes, I have read all of them, and no, they are not in any specific order. 1) What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell I am a big fan of Malcolm Gladwell and his style. This is a compilation of his "The New Yorker" stories. Even though the articles are available on his website, this book makes it a great read. 2) Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky The next time someone asks you how come people have so much time to blog, answer questions on Quora, or contribute to Wikipedia, ask them to read this book. 3) The Big Short by Michael Lewis Want to know all about CDO and subprime mortgage and still be entertained? This is the book. Michael Lewis has great storytelling skills that makes serious and complex topics fun to read. I like this book as much as I liked Moneyball -