I have been answering quite a few questions on Quora . The most recent one was " What are 5 tips to becoming an influencer on Twitter? " This post is a version of my answer on Quora. Being an "influencer" means different things to different people, but I would attempt to describe this in the most general sense. Be unique: Twitter has very low signal to noise ratio. You don't get others' attention if you cannot differentiate yourself and your contribution. Be passionate about the topics that you care for and work hard to craft high quality tweets. Go through a brutal qualifying process to discard the weak draft tweets and post the ones that are of the highest quality. Treat your Twitter account as your personal brand and think what makes any brand stand out. As Seth Godin would say, be the purple cow. Be a great blogger: Let's not forget that Twitter is still a form of blogging; a microblogging. Ask yourself what makes a great blogger? Apply those quali...