Latanya Sweeney, a Harvard professor Googled her own name to find out an ad next to her name for a background check hinting that she was arrested. She dug deeper and concluded that so-called black-identifying names were significantly more likely to be the targets for such ads. She documented this in her paper , Discrimination in Online Ad Delivery. It is up to an advertiser how they pick keywords and other criteria to show their ads. Google, like most other companies for which advertising is their primary source of revenue, would never disclose details of algorithms behind their ad offerings. Google denied AdWords being discriminatory in anyway. Facebook just announced they are planning to give more options to their users to provide feedback regarding which ads are relevant to them and which ads are not. While on surface this might sound like a good idea to get rid of ads that are not relevant and keep marketers as well as users happy, this approach has far more severe consequences t...